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Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:28 am
by Blitz
lol I know you all with be inclined to hit yes, but I'm looking for an honest answer. Because I come under such scrutiny on this server, that I'm being told it's not fun to play with me. So I'm considering not playing here anymore. Honest answers please :D.

Re: Poll!!!!!

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 3:34 pm
by Meatball
Mmmmmm I for one will not be making a selection. First of all I don't have enough skills / knowledge to make a competent call and secondly if our Admins suspect a player is not playing nicely it’s up to THEM to deal with it – not a public poll. Do you get a lot of head shots in a row – yes, do you always appear to be in the right place at the right time –yes, do you manage to consistently be the leader of most rounds you join – yes. Do I care NO, and really not sure why you care.
I suggest if you are getting grief from other players use the mute selection and enjoy your life. Would I care if you went to play on a different server – ehhh probably not but again who cares.
Thinking about changing my name to “The Dramanator” so I can single handily crush drama with a single bound faster than a speeding bullet

Re: Poll!!!!!

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:44 pm
by Brutus
Tell them to come to the forum and PM an admin with their suspicions. If an admin thought you were hacking you would be banned already.

Re: Poll!!!!!

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:36 pm
by Blitz
@ Brutus I do.

@ Meatball, none of the admins here have ever said anything to me about it. But I do not feel welcomed to play here. I have people messaging me on Steam, telling me to either stop toggling or to "tone it down". Otherwise I should find somewhere else to play. Even people who I played with before I played on this server, which was a shock as you can figure. As for the public poll, not drama, just trying to get a general consensus of the public players who play on this server. If I really make playing on the server that non enjoyable, I don't want to play here. When I play I have fun, I don't even go "balls to the wall" when I play. It's just gg, and it is just a game in general. I come here to just play and have fun, because this style of gg server is hard to find, and I thought it was a nice community.

As far as constant hs's, and being in the right place. I played in cal leagues, esea, and what not. I mean I'm rusty now, but still, hs's are easy. Principle point of aim initially is always the head, because that's where I aim lol. I don't run around with my crosshairs pointing at the ground or waist as most people do, mine are on the head level almost always, hence my initial first shot is a hs a lot of times. Being in the "right place" is just knowing all these little gg maps and choke points, and having a good headset. I can hear almost EVERYTHING with my headset, so it's pretty easy to tell where people are. Also, being able to judge what textures people are walking on, the different sound they make help as well, as well as using your radar always. Just basic junk I do, that a lot of players don't do. It's just second nature to me. I was bullshitting with baked-town the other day about knifing, and to both of us it's just second nature with the timing, which is why we always win. I mean ffs lol I'm getting accused of auto knife now, come on haha. I whiff all the time, but my timing is just good.

Not preaching, just sharing a little how I play. I've never been banned from a server for hacking, check my steam. But I do understand your frustrations, which is the point of the poll. Idk, hopefully it helps.


Re: Poll!!!!!

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:40 pm
by Meatball
The point I was trying to make was / is that I suggest you play to have fun. If you are having fun then keep playing. If peeps are harrassing you mute them. If that isnt working seek out an admin to assist. I for one am quite used to being on the short end of the stick as I get killed more than most, but, I keep playing because I am still having fun. Play for yourself not for others. (Note I didnt say play with yourself lol).

Re: Poll!!!!!

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:58 pm
by Brutus
Blitz, read our motto. If people are really think you are cheating and they send you a message to tone it down, instead of notifying an admin, we should take a look at them.

We watch all players.

Re: Poll!!!!!

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:50 pm
by Blitz
There have been a few times when a few people where they were pretty offensive. Not saying it hurts my feelings lol, but by your standards on this server, it's pretty offensive. And other people PM me, so that's in no ones view. But I understand your points. Idk, who are the admins yet really.

Re: Poll!!!!!

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:57 pm
by kodachrome
I've questioned it, but have not found any evidence. Therefore I have not banned him.
Either he is an extremely good hacker or an extremely good player.
Hackers aren't good, that's why they hack.

Anyone who is better than me hacks! :P
Don't worry're safe. ;)

Let's have fun!

Re: Poll!!!!!

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:38 pm
by grandma death
As Brutus said, if we suspected you of hacking we would have made a demo and would have long since forgotten about you.
You are a really good player, but we have a pretty competitive server and we see people with a lot of skill all the time (and people with little skill, ie: Koda) The admins here have seen most everything hacking wise, and as Koda said, we have specced you, as we have several players. Dont let a few Nancys ruin your time, let one of us know if it is beyond the usual " nice shot ya hacker" and we will jump in. You are not the only one we have had to do this for, Mike3D gets this all the time. So enjoy the server, we like having respectful players here, and you are a respectful player.


Re: Poll!!!!!

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 1:46 am
by Blitz
Surely will if the occasion warrants it. Thank you. And ya, I've been an admin on a few servers, I know you have to deal with this stuff all the time. I, as well, have a keen eye for people who are hacking. Normally it's very easy to tell, even for people who are trying to hide it. As Koda stated previously, hackers generally aren't good, that's why they hack lol. Thanks for your help guys.